Plumbing Work For HDB

Our professional plumbing service that offers HDB residents quality plumbing services at an affordable price. We recognize the importance of having a trustworthy and professional HDB plumber. So we are dedicated to providing our clients with top-notch service. We'll find a solution to whatever plumbing problem you may be having using the most up-to-date tools and technology.

While only visible plumbing issues may need to be addressed, most HDB flats are afflicted with hidden plumbing works problems that aren't readily apparent to the naked eye.

This is where our HDB plumbing maintenance service comes in handy. We ensure that our customers' plumbing equipment is in excellent working order to avoid future difficulties.

Services That We Provide for HDB Plumbing:

Water heaters, toilet bowls, faucets, and showers can all break down over time, much like any other house fixtures. Given that such components are often utilized don't put off calling a qualified plumber for HDB in Singapore to have them fixed as soon as possible.

Aside from repair services, we provide plumbing installation and replacement for the following:

In Water Heater Replacement and Installation, we provide:

  • Rheem Water Heater
  • Joven Water Heater
  • Ariston Water Heater
  • Rubine Water Heater
  • Champs Water Heater
  • 707 Water Heater
  • Bennington Water Heater
  • Everhot Water Heater

Plumbing Chokes Clearing

Hair or toilet paper clogging toilet bowls, food waste trapped in a drain pipe beneath your kitchen sink, and plumbing choke problems are frequently linked with hair chokes. However, there are many more offenders than you may think that cause a drain or floor trap to clog!

Hair that mainly falls off in the shower, solid soap bars, grease from oily materials, foreign objects, and yes, even the seemingly harmless dirt and dust can all cause floor trap chokes. Such accumulations over time might eventually result in a floor trap choke. Make sure to have these removed by a competent HDB plumber in Singapore.

We offer the following plumbing choke services:

  • Drain Choke / Floor Trap Choke
  • Toilet Bowl Choke
  • Clogged Sink / Sink Choke

Services for Re-piping of Water Pipes

It can be challenging to deal with when you have a leaky pipe. Not only does the water cause trouble for your home, but also having them undiscovered until they affect other areas in your house could lead to severe accidents that may result from neglecting those issues.

Water Leaking Issues

Water Heater Leak

Leaks can be caused by pipe damage or faulty wire connections, which will lead to flooding and significant accidents because they're hazardous for both homeowners' health and those around them who may have been exposed during repair work on the unit itself.

Lack of Hot Water

Some environments contribute debris to bathtubs or shower drains. When this happens, the drain may become blocked, causing flooding. Minor pipe damage can also happen due to major pipe leaks, leading to significant water leakages. Furthermore, when a drainage pipe blockage emits an unpleasant smell, it becomes a health risk. As a result, getting an expert plumber to resolve it right away is crucial to avoid more expensive problems later on.

Professional plumber will also:

  • Check for any gas leaks.
  • Investigate the water pressure in your taps/showers.
  • Unblock toilets that are frequently used.

Clogged Issues

Clogged Drain

Some house owners contribute a lot of debris to their bathtub or shower drain. When this happens, the drain may become blocked, causing flooding. Minor pipe damage can also happen due to major pipe leaks, leading to significant water leakages. Furthermore, when a drainage pipe blockage emits an unpleasant smell, it becomes a severe health risk. As a result, getting an expert plumber to resolve any clogged drain right away is crucial to avoid any potential side effects.

Clogged Toilet Bowl

Toilet bowls clogs or blockages can occur when a large amount of waste is flushed into them, like a sink or bathtub drain. When the toilet bowl is used for a lengthy period, it may develop a clog. Most minor obstructions can usually be fixed using a plunger or specialized cleaning solutions. If the blockage is significant enough, you should get help from an expert plumber. They can suggest what equipment you'll need to remove your toilet bowl choke and if any exceptional repairs are required.

Leaking Tape Issue

Because of the high cost of water leaks, some homeowners prefer to ignore them. Ignoring your tap's leaks can result in substantial water expenses. Furthermore, if left unaddressed, the leak itself may be somewhat distracting. Attempting to repair the problem yourself by changing the rubber washer or wrapping your bathroom or kitchen sink tap with plumbing tape is merely a short-term fix. As a result, after you notice continuous dripping from your water tap, you should contact our plumber immediately to have a more lasting faucet installed and decrease your water costs.

Leaking Pipes Issues

Leaking Pipes

Do you have a suspicion that your utility bill is increasing? This might be a clue to a pipe leak, which should be identified and fixed by an HDB plumber in Singapore as soon as possible.

Look for the following indications of a water pipe leak:

  • Water rushing or dripping into the walls
  • There is no source of insight into this standing water.
  • Water stains or mold on the walls or ceiling are signs of a leak.
Mildew & Mold Growth

When installing a standing or wall-mounted toilet, seal the floor inside the area where your fixture will be built so that water does not get into your house. This may cause mildew and mold growth on nearby porous materials, like wood paneling or hardwood floors, resulting in sewage backup. If this occurs, it might result in significant property damage, including furniture and appliances flooding.

As a result, if you notice these symptoms, you must contact an experienced plumber as soon as possible. They can examine your pipes and determine whether leaks are due to a water pipe repair or replacement.

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How We Work

Current Progress
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Current Progress
Current Progress

Analyze Need and Pricing.

Because each work environment and the severity of the plumbing problem are actually different,

Most of the water work requires on-site assessment to provide an accurate repair plan and cost.

Materials and Realization.

Once the assessment is complete and the homeowner agrees with our plumber's proposal and offer,

Immediately we will start preparing the necessary plumbing materials and tools, hen start work and get the job done.

Cleaning and Finish.

Whether it's repairing a leaks water pipe or unblocking a blockage, when the work is completed, it is inevitable that the floor will be dirty due to the overflow of sewage,

Don't worry, our well-trained plumber will take care of cleaning up the grime for you after a job well done.

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